韓国の目標"日韓の条約を廃棄し、韓国を利する体制の構築" Korean target" building of the system to repeal a treaty of Japan and the Republic of Korea and take advantage of Korea"

韓国事情に精通されるジャーナリスト 室谷克実氏によると、文政権の目標は『韓日条約体制』の打破にあるそうです!https://www.zakzak.co.jp/smp/soc/news/190517/soc1905170004-s1.html






Journalist familiar with Korean circumstances It's said that there is a target of a Bunsei right in defeat of "treaty system of the Republic of Korea and Japan" according to Mr. Katsumi Murotani! https://www.zakzak.co.jp/smp/soc/news/190517/soc1905170004-s1.html It's said that they assume the root of the present Japan-Korea relations based on the Japan-ROK Basic Relations Treaty in 1965, the claim rights of Japan and the Republic of Korea and the financial cooperative agreement will be overturned, and that makes oneself the convenient new Japan-Korea relations! It's also lined from separation of the three branches of government and the behavior against which international common sense isn't also defended.