日本人は世界で希少な"親切遺伝子"をもつ人種!見た目は似ているが、支那・朝鮮人とは遺伝子が異なっていた‼︎ The race with " kind genetic " where the Japanese is rare in the world! ‼ Which was similar to the appearance but different from shina and a Korean in a gene,︎.

分子人類学者で医学博士の篠田謙一氏によると、朝鮮半島支那大陸 東北部の民族は、日本人と見た目が似ておりますが、Y染色体を解析すると、大きく異なる性質であることが、科学的に証明されております。

遺伝子の専門誌『The American Journal of Human Genetics』のドイツの研究チームによると、世界で最も、ホモ・サピエンス(現代に生きる全世界の人)ではなく、ネアンデルタール人(亡くなった人に花を供えていたことで有名ですね)由来の遺伝子を持っているのは、日本人だそうです。巷では“親切遺伝子"とも言われていますね。手前味噌で恐縮ですが、弱肉強食の世界で、利他という、人間として尊い遺伝子を太古から受け継がれていることは、尊いことで、そういった人が世界の人々のために存在する価値はあると思うのです。




大東亜戦争後、敗戦国 日本に、当時の国際法違反で介入した国連軍(実質的に米国)のWar Guilt Information Program(戦争についての罪悪感を日本人の心に植えつけるための宣伝計画)がなされ、ただいま、教育による日本人の質の低下、少子化が計画通り邁進中ですが、米国の方に申し上げたいのは、私たち日本人はなされたことに対し復讐するような人種ではなく、聖徳太子憲法十七条以来、和をもって尊しとしてきた民族であり、常に起こったことに対しても、自らに改善点がないかを反省し、自らを改めていく人々であるということです。

反省しすぎて、自らを虚偽で貶めてまで内部攻撃している現代の日本 左翼の存り方には問題がありますが、上記の傾向があることを、信憑性のある歴史や文化・伝統から認識してほしいと切に願います。






The appearance is akin to Japanese for a race in Korean Peninsula and shina continent northeast area according to Mr. Kenichi Shinoda, the MD by a molecule anthropologist, but it's proved to analyze a Y chromosome that it's the nature which is big and different scientifically. It's the world according to a German research team of a genetic specialized magazine "The American Journal of Human Genetics", most, Homo sapiens (the person in the whole world who lives today), it's said that to have a gene of Neanderthal man (It's famous for offering a flower at the person who passed away.) origin is Japanese. It's said to be "kind gene" by a street, isn't it? I think thank you very much is the world of the survival of the fittest by self-applause, and it's a noble thing to inherit a noble gene from ancient times as man as profit other ones, and such person is worth existing for people of the world. Or that something Great where whether it wasn't because I had felt ancient Japanese grasped the special quality of such Japanese man by the intuition, and noble, that an imperial line has respected the blood vessels of the male line for 2679 years in Japan created a* such Y gene may offer a thankful prayer to Amaterasu Omikami which is the god my mother will be by an ancestor of the Emperor god in Japan, I'll consider megushigo. War Guilt Information Program of the UN forces which intervened (substantially, American) (the advertising plan to plant sense of guilt about a war in a Japanese heart) is formed by vanquished nation Japan out of an international law violation in those days after Greater East Asian War, and a decline and a decline in the number of births of the Japanese's quality by the education are grinding on as planned now, by the people who regret it's the race by which you have assumed since constitution Jushichijo of Prince Shotoku who takes revenge, not the race, that we're venerable with a total to Japanese's being accomplished to want to tell to USA, and whether improvement points isn't also by itself to the thing which has always happened and are changing oneself, well. It's said to be RU. I repent too much, and one is diminished falsely, even and there is a problem with the present-day Japanese left-wing son RI person attacking inside, but it's hoped sincerely that I want you to recognize that it tends to be the above from history with the reliability, culture and tradition. China and Korea are compared, and make up a lie such as " Nanjing Massacre ", " comfort woman problem ", Senkaku-shoto and Takeshima, even and diminish a partner, and I'm attacking physically. While not because Japan invades other ones from the Russo-Japanese War to Greater East Asian War, but the world is conquered in the Great Powers of Europe and America, it's for self-defense and colored race's opening to fight closely. shina and a Korean aren't regarded as