韓国政府、米国を捏造 The Korean government fabricates USA.

アプリ『産経プラス』が朝鮮日報(8/24 日本語版)から引用した情報によると、韓国の文政権はGSOMIA破棄の決定にあたり、「事前に米国に理解を求め、米国は理解を示していた」と説明したそうです。




出所が韓国紙であることに、情報の信憑性に疑問がありますが(笑)、米国政府 高官の発言の大まかな主旨として、韓国政府の発言が事実に反していることは明らかでしょう。







It's said that the Korean Bunsei right explained "USA asked understanding from USA beforehand, and showed understanding." in case of a decision of GSOMIA destruction according to the information an application "Sankei plus" quoted from Chosen Nippo (8/24 Japanese edition). But, a magnate of political power of cards "is a lie (lie)", it's said that they told the said paper reporter "I say clearly, and it isn't fact. I protested against the (Korea) diplomatic part of here (chuu U.S. and South Korea country embassy) and Seoul." https://www.zakzak.co.jp/smp/soc/news/190826/for1908260011-s1.html The Korean man who put up it in a blog yesterday also comes under the event which attacked a Japanese woman, but it's proved that Korea is a liar from an individual to a national level more than the fact that former megushigo was showing. The reliability of the information has a doubt in authorship's being Korean paper, but it'll be clear that a remark of the Korean government is incorrect as a rough main point of a remark of (warai) and an American high government official. It can be said that all information everyone of all over the world and Korea spread over all over the world has a doubt in the reliability. Many Japanese were diminished up to now, and the prestige of Japan and the Japanese was being injured. About China, like, you can say, but after making it clear, I'd like to have sending information on Korea and a Chinese believe whether it's a correct source first positively.