中国の沖縄強奪 中国的冲绳掠夺 Chinese Okinawa robbery

日本沖縄政策研究フォーラム理事長の仲村覚氏の記事によると、中国人漫画家 孫向文氏の叔父上のご体験より、中国の沖縄へのクルー中、セミナーが行われ、「沖縄は明治政府が清国から奪い取った(※「大明一統志」「大清一統志」「向姓具志川家家譜」により、日本固有の領土であることが証明されています」「日本政府は沖縄住民の独立要求を弾圧している(※こちらも産経系列の信用できる記事ですが、大多数の沖縄県民は独立を望んでないそうです」と事実無根の説明がなされているそうです。






日本冲绳政策研究论坛理事长仲村觉先生的报道https∶//根据jp/smp/soc/news/190418/soc1904180001-s1.html,自中国人漫画家孙向文先生的叔父上的体验,向中国的冲绳的水手中,研讨会被进行,根据「冲绳明治政府从清国夺取(※「大明一统志向」「大清全体志向」「向姓具志川家家谱」,日本固有的领土被证明的http∶//」「日本政府是镇压着冲绳居民的独立要求(※这边也产经系列的能信用的报道,不过,大多数的冲绳县民据说没期盼独立做https∶//ironna.据说jp/article/1435/amp)」和没有根据的说明被做。 中国·韩国人开展与日本左翼一起从冲绳赶出美军基地的示威的已经被知道,不过,先生中国人游客的增加和对中国空军的让行人自由通行发信的增加—2010年96次,2016年851次,2017年与500次减少了,不过是应该警戒通过,冲绳本岛和宫古岛之间有的宫古海峡根据向太平洋象发出一样的,异常的飞行剧增的现状,冲绳被抢夺的主张,不过,有同感。 我想哪个在日本人搀混参加示威的时刻,没有道理地,是要中华圈的地域的一部分的计划,最好是注意需要,向两国亮出事实,不履行历史一样的失败的那样,发信全世界。


In the crew and a seminar to Okinawa Chinese were performed according to Mr. Satoru Nakamura's article of the Japanese Okinawa policy study forum chief director, and "a Meiji government despoiled Kiyokuni of Okinawa" ( by which it's proved that Japan is a peculiar territory by※ "Daimei unification will" "big Qing dynasty unification will" "the direction last name Gushikawa family family tree"), ", Japanese Government is the offing. It's said that a rope resident is requested by (※ is also a reliable article of Sankei affiliates here, it's said that the majority's Okinawa-ken people don't wish for independence," and the groundless explanation which are being suppressed independently. It was learned already that China and a Korean are developing the demonstration which drives the U.S. military base out of Okinawa together with a Japanese leftist, but 96 times decreased a family with 500 times in 2017 for 851 times in 2016 in increase of a Chinese tourist and increase of scramble sending of anti-Chinese Air Force for 2010 years, but the peculiar flight which goes out to the Pacific Ocean passes the Miyako strait which is between Okinawa-honto and Miyakojima, and is the insistence which should watch that Okinawa is seized by the current state increasing rapidly, but I agree. I think it's necessary to send to the whole world so that I may have crossed neither in care as the scheme made the part of the area in a Chinese area, force fact on both countries and step on the same failure of history without the reason in the time when I mix with Japanese and participate in demonstration.