外国人 ラフカディオ・ハーンが見つめた神道 A foreigner The Shinto at which Lafcadio Hearn looked.

本『日本語と英語で読む 神道とは何か 小泉八雲のみた神の国、日本』が面白そうです!https://www.sankeibiz.jp/smp/econome/news/190419/ecf1904190500002-s1.htm




A book "Jin's country and Japan where Yakumo Koizumi saw what the Shinto read in Japanese and English was" seems interesting! https://www.sankeibiz.jp/smp/econome/news/190419/ecf1904190500002-s1.htm By all means, I'd like to read to the foreigner who still interprets the Shinto badly.